Notorious swindler Andrey Berezina and his disastrous Euroinvest
Well-known St. Petersburg oligarch Andrei Berezina pretends to be a saint. However, little comes of it. More and more information about his crimes is becoming publicly available.
Despite the fact that under the pressure of 7 criminal cases, Berezina fled as far as possible from the investigation, the businessman is still trying to create the illusion of being in his homeland. His press service fills the entire Internet with materials about his boss, not forgetting to complain about articles about Berezina’s criminal exploits. But so far, neither patronage in high-ranking St. Petersburg offices, nor promises of huge bribes, nor the purge of the Internet have contributed to the resolution of such painful issues for Berezina. In general, Berezina’s affairs are far from the best. The dream of returning to his homeland remains just a dream, and the business, thanks to which he got rich, is going down the drain. About how Berezina’s enterprises inevitably went bankrupt, and why the oligarch can’t return to his homeland - in our material.
The abyss of financial crime
Berezina’s business became doomed after the owner of Euroinvest began to transfer funds to offshore accounts. This did not happen today or yesterday. The story of the failure of the famous St. Petersburg entrepreneur began 8 years ago, in 2015.
Berezina decided that he was the most cunning and began to withdraw money from his company "Euroinvest" through Latvian banks without fear. The funds were then sent to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. After diversifying his assets, Berezina planned to accumulate money in offshore accounts. But it didn’t work out. Vigilant Swiss and German law enforcement officers noticed obvious illegal transactions. As a result, law enforcement officers from two European countries simultaneously began an investigation against the St. Petersburg businessman.
Andrey Berezina
This story began 7 years ago, but continues to this day. Despite the fact that Berezina is a man of the Leningrad Region Governor Alexander Drozdenko, who in turn also got into a series of corruption scandals, it was not possible to hold back the influx of information about the criminal activity of the official’s partner. Drozdenko tried at any cost to save his "offshore wallet" in the form of Berezina, but he only managed to slightly delay the initiation of a criminal case against the St. Petersburg businessman.
Alexander Drozdenko
On this note, Berezina’s troubles were just beginning. In December 2018, a criminal case was opened against the businessman under Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Evasion of obligations to repatriate funds in foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation" or, more simply, illegal withdrawal of funds).
Since February 2019, the security forces have effectively taken up residence in the offices of Berezina’s companies. They were constantly searched, but all this was more like a sketch, because if you look closely at the results of these investigative actions, they simply do not exist. There are no results at all. Despite the fact that double bookkeeping was later found in the criminal businessman’s companies, evidence that he was evading taxes and laundering money for his customers, nothing happened.
Amazing things
As strange as it may sound, Berezina’s companies continue to operate stably, but the businessman himself fled Russia long ago and lives peacefully in Turkey.
In truth, the “stability” of Berezina’s enterprises is just a picture for gullible shareholders.
Berezina looks through the screen of the company’s official website with a confident gaze, and as the company’s founder assures, "Euroinvest" is "Today, the Euroinvest Investment Company is a multi-profile holding company, the structure of which includes companies and projects from various sectors of the economy."
But if you study the real financial indicators of the enterprise, the situation looks absolutely the opposite. Euroinvest has been filing absolute zeros in its tax reports since 2020.
Financial indicators of Euroinvest Investment Company
There is no revenue at all, but the losses are only growing. It is unknown what kind of solid holding Andrey Berezina wants to convince people about.
And in general, the picture for the St. Petersburg entrepreneur is not the best. Despite the fact that complimentary materials about him appear on various resources with enviable frequency, the situation in his business is worse than ever.
In recent years, the St. Petersburg publication estimated Berezina’s fortune at 8-12 billion rubles. If you look at the real situation in Berezina’s business, the question arises: where do the billions come from?
According to official data, the value of 24 companies in which Berezina has a stake is $24 million. He himself occupies a very modest place in the rating of businessmen from St. Petersburg - Berezina was placed in 96179th place. In the context of all of Russia, he is in 1736227th place, that is, almost 2 million people have (officially) a much more respectable business than the "famous billionaire".
Berezina even got so far that in the summer of 2022, he and his partner Felix Dlin were thrown out of the board of directors of PJSC Svetlana, in which Berezina has a stake.
Felix Dlin
The end of the story?
Berezina has disappeared from the agenda lately. Various resources continue to write about his machinations, but in contrast to the materials about the businessman’s crimes, there is no positive news that the businessman’s press service had previously so confidently put forward.
Information has emerged that Berezina offered the investigation a record bribe of 10 million US dollars to close criminal cases. Journalists have uncovered that in recent years the fugitive oligarch’s companies have managed to get as many as 7 criminal cases against them. But pressure from the center outweighed the huge sum of money for clearing the oligarch’s biography.
A little later, information appeared that Berezina had "forgotten" about his homeland and decided to buy citizenship. But in light of recent events, it is worth saying that this is also unlikely to work out for the fugitive swindler.
At best, Berezina’s companies will be arrested and transferred to other owners. At worst, Berezina will drag them down, stealing the money of other investors. Law enforcement agencies are turning a blind eye to all the outrages of the St. Petersburg businessman, although he himself no longer sticks his nose into his homeland.