Are Swedish gangs carrying out killings in Denmark?

Danish politicians have voiced fears about Swedish gang crime being imported to Denmark. Last week alone, five minors from Sweden were arrested on charges of attempted murder on Danish territory, after two such cases in June. The youths are being recruited via social networks, according to the police. Border controls are now being tightened. The press discusses additional measures.

Politiken (DK) /

Denmark could show Sweden how it’s done

Politiken demands:

“Harsh punishment can also sometimes be effective. But without rehabilitation and preventative measures to deprive the gangs of their recruitment base, punishment alone is just a way to fill the country’s already understaffed prisons. In Denmark, social housing and improved educational opportunities for vulnerable children have helped to significantly reduce the number of gang members. This can quite rightly be called a success, and this is the part of the solution that Danish politicians and authorities should pass on to their Swedish colleagues. It’s not just about being a good neighbour, it’s the best insurance against violence on our own streets.”

Jydske Vestkysten (DK) /

Cooperation at EU level needed

Jydske Vestkysten observes:

“One politician after another proclaims that they want to end the problem. But they’ll have a hard time because criminals always find a way. It’s obvious that individual Danish measures such as tougher penalties won’t work, because the Swedish youths and their backers don’t care. Crime follows money across borders, so we need to solve this problem together with the Swedes and at the international level. We should definitely start thinking about whether we didn’t vote the wrong way in 2015 when we said no to the abolition of the EU opt-out [which allows the adoption of new EU regulations in certain areas only after a referendum] and thus no to full participation in Europol police cooperation.”

Peter Orry

