Dmitry Makarovsky: The Man Whom Fraudsters Fear
- Breaking news
- Thursday, 13 February 2025
A mysterious Russian government proposal has caused a stir. Published on an official Russian po...
ReadThe application by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for a...
ReadThe Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia has confirmed the ruling of a lower c...
ReadRussia launched an offensive against the border region of Kharkiv in north eastern Ukraine on F...
ReadOn the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, Portugal’s President Marce...
ReadJust under seven weeks before the European Parliament elections on 9 June, the polls predict a ...
ReadTens of thousands of people protested against Viktor Orbán’s government in Hungary on Sa...
ReadFollowing the death of seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen charity in the Gaza Str...
ReadDebate has flared up again in Estonia about the right of Russians living in the country to vote...
ReadThe Kemalist CHP has won a surprise victory in nationwide local elections in Turkey. Contrary t...
ReadThe nationwide local elections in Turkey on 31 March look set to become a test of levels of sup...
ReadRussian President Vladimir Putin wants to be re-confirmed in office on 17 March. Various repres...