Estonia: Kallas compromised by Russian business

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has come under fire over her husband Arvo Hallik’s business activities. Estonian media have reported that he holds shares in a logistics company that has continued to do business with Russia. Kallas has now refused to appear before a parliamentary committee to answer questions about the allegations. Europe’s press takes stock.

Õhtuleht (EE) /

Integrity unnecessarily sullied

For Õhtuleht, both Kallas and her office have been tarnished:

“It is extremely bitter when Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, known throughout the world as Estonia’s ‘war princess’ and clarifier of pro-Russian misunderstandings, has in her own household a person who did not have the good sense to cut all ties with that country. True, there ameliorating circumstances: the business interests are minimal, it’s only a matter of him holding shares in the company, and the only thing that was done was to help liquidate a company. But in certain professions one must literally be free of any shadows, also within the family circle. When you are prime minister there is no such thing as private life.”

Postimees (EE) /

Serious loss of credibility

Postimees demands explanations from the head of government:

“Kaja Kallas is facing the biggest crisis of her career due to a contradiction between her words and her actions. Has Kallas herself never asked herself whether her husband’s dealings with Russia comply with the international sanctions in form and content? If not, this would be a sign of utter naivety; if she has, it would be a sign of complicity and would largely destroy the credibility of Kallas’ pro-Ukraine rhetoric. It is essential that you give us more explanations, Prime Minister!”